Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Treasury East at etsy.com.

Spent most of the morning making my first treasury east at etsy.com.

New Shops No Sales Favorites

Some of my favorite things I would like to have from these shops.

Have a better look at : http://www.etsy.com/treasury/4bfbf00b364a8eef31d8f73f/new-etsy-shops-no-sales-favorites

Etsy is a great place to be a part of and the shops are wonderful.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Trash to Treasure Find

I know these have been around for a while but the more I look at them the more I like them. I have a few places in my garden,so in a few weeks I will display my garden art. These I found floating around the net.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Turquiose for Sheena

Some things I thought
might interest the eyes of
anyone who likes french country, retro, or atomic decor for their homes.
Sheena loves these kinds of instant collections and if they have turquiose the better they are.

A beautiful country farm kitchen would light up with these beauties.

A wonderful candy jar for the counter.

Serving dishes for any party.

What better place to keep fresh cherry tomatoes.

Morning coffee, Oh, so good.

All festive food would taste great from a plate like this one.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

One of my Mother's Day gifts was to be featured on labonnefemme1blogspot. My daughter also has two etsy shops which are nocarnations.etsy.com and labonnefemme.etsy.com.
Our family adores vintage even with the flaws that sometime accompany them. Thanks Sheena

Monday, May 10, 2010

Almost June Brides

What wonderful living plants to have in your wedding. Pics from intimateweddings.com and trebellaflorist.com

Potted herbs for bride's maids
Wreath for bride and groom's table
The hanging plants in glass for a centerpiece
Keeping your wedding green.

Live Moss

I have just discovered the beauty of making terrariums again after 30 years. I remember when you gave them as presents to everyone for everything. Of course I am starting off with the small ones and the soaked sheet floral moss. For beginners this is a good way to try different glass containers.
Pack potting soil tightly against glass and lay in the mosses and lightly tap to pack. I spray with water lightly about every two weeks.
Chair pic is from a live moss ordering company.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

You might like

Some of my favorite places to visit:

la bonnefemmeblogspot1
re craft.blogspot.com

Christmas Present

My daughter gave these iris bulbs for Christmas and they bloomed this spring. Lovely white with bright yellow centers.

What is This?

Just found this set at a roadside sale and I think it is a spice holder set for cooking? Can anyone help with this?